TLR Discovery Call

- Want to find out more about The Locker Room Real Estate Coaching Organization, or about coaching with a Locker Room Growth Partner or Impact Coach? - Have questions about what TLR offers? - Not certain how TLR can impact your organization? Schedule a general information session to learn more about our mission, vision, and beliefs.
Locker Room Coaching

Strategy Session

Is it time to take a critical look at YOUR real estate business? Schedule a strategy session to uncover which of the 12 core components of YOUR business deserve your immediate focus and intention.

One-on-One Coaching: Agents

Coaching appointment for current Locker Room agent coaching clients.
Locker Room Broker Partners

Pre-Launch Huddle

During this meeting, we will establish a success calendar consisting of consistent meeting times and TLR trainings taking place. We will also set clear expectations of what the partnership will look like, especially over the next 6 weeks and beyond.

GPPR Wheel and 1-6-90 Goals

During this conversation, we will establish what is working, what is currently a challenge/gap in the business, and the direction to head moving forward based on goals. This entire session is very reflective where we ask a lot of questions and seek to understand.

GPPR Audit

During these four conversations (Profitability, Retention, Growth, and Productivity), we will get a clearer picture of reality compared to goals. This will help us identify their gaps and challenges so that we can prescribe the right solution. It will also help identify what we are currently doing very well and to make sure we can sustain it.

GPPR 90 Day Planning Session

“If you spend the next 90 days with laser focus on this one area, what results would you expect to achieve? What would need to happen at the end of the next 90 days to be considered a win?” During this conversation, we will reflect back on the GPPR Wheel exercise, LRSS Playbook Tool, and business audits to decide what our goals and commitments will be over the next 90 days.

One-on-One Coaching: Broker Partner

During these conversations we will collaborate to achieve our established priorities and strategies.

15-min Phone Call

General non-coaching phone conversation request.

30-min Appointment

General non-coaching meeting or appointment request.

45-min Appointment

General non-coaching meeting or appointment request.

60-min Appointment

General non-coaching meeting or appointment request.